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[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyHPM6PwmJM How to be Successful in Mary Kay] - If you have been unsuccessful at earning a living online, then multi level marketing might appear to be the answer for some people. The truth is that this is one field that is rife with untruths, scams and people taking advantage of each other. Please say that you are not going to go into the field. Obviously, you are moving on to something else. But on the other hand, you might still want to give this doomed field a try. If you ever feel like you are still considering multi level marketing, hopefully the following reasons will snap you back to your senses. How to be Successful in Mary Kay - One of the worst lies told by Mary Kayers is the "you can do this in your spare time" lie. If that really were true, the Mary Kay market would actually be exploding instead of dying. How to be Successful in Mary Kay - If the basic concept had any validity, this might be a good idea. Besides, the system is based upon the fact that you hire a downline to do the work for you, while you get a commission. But, the drama begins whenever people put most of their time into getting new people to join instead of selling products, which means that not that many sales are being made. Besides, if you want to earn a real living, it cannot be accomplished in your spare time. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get the job done. Those who are in multi level marketing think of it as a good thing. But it is really fear that drives this industry. A lot of Mary Kay recruiters like to play on the emotions of new recruits by making them fear the economy is not getting any better and that this is the best way to make decent money. Recruiters know how to utilize fear to make workers want to be their own boss, but insecure enough to continue working for them. This has nothing to do with being good or supportive. The sales process you'll be forced to use to sell products and hire people is similar. How to be Successful in Mary Kay - Mary Kay recruiters will tell you that multi level marketing is ideal for starting your own business and becoming successful. This is not true. Basically, you cannot earn good money with a multi level marketing business model. Even if you sell a lot of products, most of the money you make will go to the people above you in the pyramid. Don't forget about the Mary Kay fees that you have to pay in order to join. You will have to pay for memberships or other things such as fines for missing a quota. Sadly enough, you will probably lose money as a result of all of the fees. Mary Kay has been associated with being absolutely pointless as a business model for the majority of people for a very long time. Somehow, though, it still survives and people still get sucked into it. Sadly, those people who do get sucked into Mary Kay often lose a lot of money - and a lot of friends - before coming to the conclusion that all online business must be the same type of scam. Don't make this same mistake. How to be Successful in Mary Kay - Source 1: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyHPM6PwmJM successful avon] Mary Kay ideas - Source 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8xaD_UGHQo
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