January 2009 newsletter

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*[ 46highboypu tries some pinstriping, and reworks the hood sides on his '46 Chevy pickup truck]
*[ 46highboypu tries some pinstriping, and reworks the hood sides on his '46 Chevy pickup truck]
*[ classic 34 makes a fiberglass mold for a '34 Ford 5-Window Coupe, and shows off the Flathead that will power it]
*[ ccrodder tackles the body assembly and paint on his 1947 Packard]
*[ ccrodder tackles the body assembly and paint on his 1947 Packard]
*[ classic 34 makes a fiberglass mold for a '34 Ford 5-Window Coupe, and shows off the Flathead that will power it]
*[ grapro puts the finishing touches on his1926 metal Model T roadster]
*[ grapro puts the finishing touches on his1926 metal Model T roadster]
*[ sonicweb mocks up the motor on his 1950 Chevy 3100 Pickup Truck]
*[ sonicweb mocks up the motor on his 1950 Chevy 3100 Pickup Truck]

Revision as of 14:34, 19 January 2009

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