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<span itemprop="description"> <p>DUBLIN — Time and again in recent centuries, science has challenged humankind’s conception of itself. Copernicus demoted humans from their central location in the cosmos. Darwin denied their inherent distinction from other animals. Computers now trounce human intellect, defeating the smartest people at chess and on <em>Jeopardy!< em> And lately modern neuroscience has pretty much demolished traditional views of souls and selfhood.< p> <p>“The neuroscience revolution and the genomics revolution are changing the way that we look at ourselves,” says neuroscientist-science writer Lone Frank of the Danish newspaper <em>Weekendavisen< em>. “If you take neuroscience as an example, it’s becoming very clear that we’re killing off the soul. We are realizing,cheap air jordans, and it’s seeping into our culture, that we are our brains. And that means also that there is no essential self in there.”< p> <p>Frank, author of the recent books <em>Mindfield< em> and <em>My Beautiful Genome< em>, acknowledges that many people don’t especially appreciate hearing that message. But it’s a natural enough topic to discuss on occasions where science meets culture,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap retro jordans< a>, such as the Euroscience Open Forum 2012. Known as ESOF,<a href=" " target="_blank">cheap jordan shoes< a>, the conference takes place every other year in a European city eager to host leading scientists and science journalists for a mix of technical presentations and culture-oriented discussions and<ul>
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Revision as of 02:10, 9 January 2017

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