Talk:John Deere Blitz Black paint

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I used JJDB a year ago on my 66 Chevy Fleetside and it is holding up well. The look is what I wanted and I get compliments from people all the time.
I used JJDB a year ago on my '66 Chevy Fleetside and it is holding up well. The look is what I wanted and I get compliments from people all the time.--[[]] July 13, 2006
== It's good stuff! ==
===It's good stuff!===
I retired from Deere, and we used to use the blitz black in aerosol can in the warehouse for everything! It's good stuff! It's hard as a rock when dry, and not too sensitive to what you put it over. As far as satin black, it's probably as good as any you'll find. We used it for marking bins, painting buggies, making signs, all kind of stuff. Just remember, it's not like primer, when it's dry, it's HARD! That means hard to sand if you make a mistake!--[[User:|Mike Britton]] October 2, 2006
Hey, Mike Britton here.
I retired from Deere, and we used to use the blitz black in arosoule (sp?) can in the warehouse for everything! It's good stuff! It's hard as a rock when dry, and not too sensitive to what you put it over. As far as satin black, it's probably as good as any you'll find. We used it for marking bins, and painting buggies making signs, all kind of stuff. Just remember, it's not like primer, when it's dry, it's HARD! That means hard to sand if you make a mistake!
I saw that an edit had been made to adjust the pricing to $50/gallon. I called a John Deere dealership in Colorado -- they cited pricing as around $30 per gallon. Maybe the price is dependent upon location. This section of the article might need expansion and confirmation. --[[User:Jon|Jon]] 11:41, 10 September 2009 (MDT)
Later, Mike

Latest revision as of 10:15, 29 November 2012

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