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usually we get one of those articles about how someone more frugal than your average frugal person is living off the land on the cheap, Surviving on stuff discovered in Dumpsters and folks trash. These enterprising consumers are known as Dumpster divers or freegans or anti consumerists or whatever the name du jour happens to be, And we are supposed to feel both bourgeois horrified and possibly impressed [url=htttps://]charmingdate review[/url] by their behavior. Would that we might eat old tacos from the garbage and save $250,000; Our lives would stand out, strongly. Today in the california Post Kate Storey writes of such a person Hashimoto, Who for her food, Doesn use toilet paper or do laundry, And hasn got a hold of toiletries in 10 years. Commuting to the suburbs of Love
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Latest revision as of 23:41, 30 August 2022

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