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But the new research that's coming outs basically saying look if you control for food choices which we talk about if you have on the right calories and [Slimera Garcinia Cambogia] you freak which is pretty much irrelevant in terms of love fat loss in the metabolic you know factors really FL also basically what that you're saying that some geek speak there but basically what it is saying is that on if you're eating the right foods meal frequency should be whatever is a more sustainable and functional for you so most people can eat six meals most people want to eat big at nine yeah are so that's why I've set up some structures where it's hey maybe it's three meals a day maybe it’s practice launch with some lighter lower crab foods and then a big starts low to dinner some people even do a there's a bell curve right so some people get very few clear that six small meals a day most people can do that three meals a day base their died of that and then there's even .

Latest revision as of 17:08, 8 December 2023

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