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Good afternoon, I was just taking a look at your site and filled out your feedback form. The "contact us" page on your site sends you messages like this via email which is why you're reading my message at this moment correct? That's the most important achievement with any kind of online ad, making people actually READ your advertisement and I did that just now with you! If you have an ad message you would like to blast out to thousands of websites via their contact forms in the US or anywhere in the world send me a quick note now, I can even target particular niches and my prices are very low. Write a reply here:
How are you doing? I aim to provide you a high quality, free of cost guest post article for your amazing website.  
I can send you some really great topic ideas for this purpose which would be relevant to your website niche for sure.
If my topic ideas happen to appeal you, I’ll send over the article. I would just need a backlink in return of the article. The backlink needs to be within the body of the article.
Please let me know your response to this, if I shall send topic ideas?
Looking forward.
Umer Ishfaq

Revision as of 18:43, 17 October 2020

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